4th annual sporting clay shoot

Welcome to our 4th Annual E-Z Bel Sporting Clay Shoot Fundraiser and Appreciation Event! All our friend vendors, suppliers, and subcontractors will come together to celebrate and strengthen our partnerships while joining E-Z Bel in Building Opportunities through Constructing our Communities. This year's fundraiser will benefit the San Antonio ACE Mentor Program. Last year, ACE Mentor Program of San Antonio was able to award $100k in scholarships to San Antonio high school students.

To further the purpose of the event, we are always looking for sponsors, participants, donors, or anyone that just wants to come join in on the fun!

To learn how you can be a part of this event, please contact Jenna Water, jenna@nucatexas.com.  

fundraiser and appreciation event 2024
in partnership with NUCA San Antonio & presented by RDO Equipment